The Finish Line
CoVID-19 Day 31
now stressed because I don’t know what is stressing me. I cleared a
couple of items off my worry list and now I have a headache. I’m wanting
to be positive but what I’m hearing is that we don’t know what is going
to be the most effective way to come out of this so I’m just confused.
thing a crisis does is focus the mind. We don’t perform well in the
middle, we need a target to aim for or a hurdle to clear and often
neither is in focus. Being on lock down isn’t generally helping but in
this alternative bubble we do find ourselves thinking more critically
about some of the things we otherwise take for granted or we get away
with not paying attention to.
there are months ahead of us before we are even out of the starting blocks
of us know what we need to know about Coronavirus and social distancing
and much of what we’re picking up is repetition. Even stuff that should
be shocking is becoming part of the new normal. Yes, action needs to be
taken but the landscape isn’t going to change dramatically soon. The
curve is flattening which is what we wanted but what do we now do with
seems like the lockdown has been fairly well accepted, loo rolls are
not hard to find in the smaller shops and there is a sense of being in
it together. There doesn’t appear to be a sense of unrest but I’m not
sure whether that’s assuring or concerning. Long standing stress is
unhealthy but so is getting comfortable with a bad situation (which can
simply be an accommodating strategy that makes us feel better but
actually leaves us just as stressed).
flattening curve doesn’t mean we are getting over the crisis, it simply
means that it’s getting worse less severely. It’s a kind of managing
phase rather than panic phase, a little like managing the water rations
in the lifeboat rather than trying to get off the sinking ship. We
should think of it as climbing Everest, being half way up but not in the
middle of a blizzard.
should not be thinking of hunkering down and getting through this but
taking charge of the moment with an eye on the summit and planning the
decent. Anyone who’s done serious running will know that you don’t make
getting to the top of the hill your goal, you imagine yourself on the
other side.
the peace is more difficult than winning the war. Getting through this
crisis should not be our aim. In the bigger challenge of saving our
planet from a climate catastrophe and saving society from the wolves,
there are months ahead of us before we are even out of the starting
shouldn’t depress us but should make us mindful that kicking off from
the starting block is the most critical part of a sprint. Those seconds
waiting for the gun can make all the difference between winning gold and
walking away with nothing. But it’s not even the best starters who win,
you don’t get the medal till after you’ve crossed the finish line.