Hope in Hell

CoVID-19 Day 24
Today was hopeful if I can be permitted to describe it as such. My meetings were either positive, helpful or forward looking. It’s important when in such a dire situation that hope isn’t extinguished. Laughter and grief often play off each other, one framing the other giving meaning to our existence.

I learned about networking via LinkedIn and was reminded of the importance of clear communication and the value in openness. Futures are built on trust while fortunes are often castles with no foundation. Don’t underestimate how much people generally want your best, instinctively understanding that successes are made for sharing.

we must come together with the common interest, not of picking up where we were
but demanding that things be different

Today a 28 year old mother died before her baby could be delivered. She was a black nurse and her colour is important. While CoVID might be colour blind statistics are not. We need to understand why black and coloured medics are dying non proportionally. We are all connected but we are not in this together and the virus is not a leveller. Coronavirus might generally be unpredictable in which victims it takes but it does appear that foreign and black workers are more likely to be put in harms way.

What this virus has exposed is years of neglect, contempt for those like cleaners and care workers, who actually run the country, endemic racism and needless austerity just as 2008 exposed massive corruption and criminally in the finance industry.

We cannot carry the weight of the tragedy in each life lost, upon our individual shoulders but somehow we must come together with the common interest, not of picking up where we were but demanding that things be different. The death of the 28 year old heavily pregnant nurse so struck me I couldn’t comment on it. I had no wish to retweet the story or add my mark. It was horrible.


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