The Mindset of a Shark

Its no accident that when God created vulnerable creatures he made millions of them and taught them the dance of life. By moving in unison and in a coordinated formation he made them appear to be one large unit behaving in a way that makes sense to them but confuses the enemy.

For a hungry shark a shoal of fish presents an opportunity of abundance but if he falls for the trap of thinking there are many fish to catch he will overstretch himself and in his misguided strategy he will simply be overwhelmed and end up with nothing. Fortunately for the shark he was not endowed with intelligence. Instead God gave him cunning.

The shoal has no fear of the shark. At worst it will deplete her numbers by a few; at best it will give up in frustration. But the individual fish has no such luxury. By shear weight of numbers it is more likely to survive than perish but one on one with a shark, who has little appetite for the dance, it has no chance.

The whale on the other hand - who has intelligence, cunning and great power - terrifies the shoal into behaving as individuals and gorges at will. We don't have the power or resources of the whale so we need the cunning mindset of the shark. We need to recognise the abundance of the shoal (the opportunity is in front of us) but realize we can only catch one fish at a time. When we lock on to the fish we are targeting we are more than capable of winning. The problem is, they all look so similar, appealing and abundant.


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