Context is Everything

The Message of Ecclesiastes

"Meaningless! Meaningless! Says the teacher."

So begins the book of Ecclesiastes. The teacher opens himself up to all that life has to offer - no holds barred - and comes to the conclusion that there is no meaning in anything we experience or accomplish. From dust we come; to dust we return. On the surface it appears to be a rather pessimistic view of the world. The feel good factor eludes us as he concludes that the whole duty of man (humanity) is to 'fear God and keep his commandments'. Not what you'd call 'a laugh a minute'.

Unfortunately, by taking the pessimistic view we deny ourselves the opportunity of discovering the keys to unlock the very meaning the teacher appears to despair of. We've been drawn into the dragon's cave, dark and dank, with scattered remains of those who came only to plunder his treasure. But hidden amongst the gloom are sparkling gems that provide the keys we are looking for.

It's a year since the disaster in Haiti. Thousands of people lost everything they had. Many escaped with only their lives. What meaning does wealth and fine living have when faced with such suffering. Yet for us life continued as normal. We continue to work for a better life - nicer homes, the latest mod cons, planning holidays and pursuing careers - but are all of these meaningless?

"Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best".

Woody Allen

Sex without love may be enjoyable but its empty and meaningless.

"Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you..." says the teacher.

It's only within a loving relationship that sex receives meaning. Only within that context will it find fulfilment.

Life is a blank page. A journey without purpose is a road to nowhere. A gift without someone to receive it remains in its wrapping. The message of Ecclesiastes is not morbid or pessimistic. The teacher tells us to put our lives in context - "It is now that God favours what you do". Don't envy those who have more than you, prettier than you or better than you. Be ambitious, yes - but not for its own sake. Plan for the future but wait for it. Build your life on stuff and it will sink. Build first then put stuff in. If what you do counts for nothing, that's because context is everything.


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