Wet Hug

CoVID-19 Day 39

I think there’s a pattern. I have a good day then a bad day, then a day where I get back in the saddle - its ‘in’ rather than ‘on’ isn’t it? And I’m now back into writing in the morning — I guess that’s just part of the rhythm. So its the morning of day 40 and I’m writing up day 39. Am I going on?

We need the earth and we need each other. Screw everything else

I don’t know what to think right now. I’ve written about rhythms and patterns and now I’m thinking ‘grooves’. Someone once said that a rut is simply a grave with its ends knocked out. Put another way, a rut is just a very long cul-de-sac, the difference being that cul-de-sac’s and no-through roads warn you beforehand whereas ruts just seem to suck you in. While some are saying this crisis has the potential to change some fundamentals others are seeing the fundamentals being bolstered so that they are impervious to change. The surge in community spirit, on the other hand, is just that, and can be blown away without anyone noticing.

All you have to do is move the goalposts slightly as the Daily Mail have already done by criticizing the NHS while making themselves look good by procuring a million pounds worth of PPE (and their proprietor remains a tax exile). We all know how easy it is to get people to bite the hands that feed them. You just need to nudge the community spirit ever so slightly to the right and, hey presto, you’ve got nationalism. Screw the love — institutions are not people — we need to be really, really, really angry with the government and let them know how pissed off we are. If you are not pissed off you’ve not been paying attention. We are being groomed by those who don’t do crisis, they just do it to us.

They write the time signature, set the tempo, compose the bass and we just sing the melody. Listen to the bass. The only way real change happens is in cacophony and when the rhythm is interrupted like a glitch in the matrix. Its what happened when CoVID-19 hit. Everything changed, economically, socially and politically but what came through was the true rhythm of life. When we stopped playing, nature sang and it sounds beautiful.

Today (actually yesterday) I got caught in a hail shower and it was wonderful. Its been lovely having the sunny days but that’s kind of like nature at a distance, pimping the sun and avoiding its difficult relatives. Getting drenched in a shower is like a wet hug or a meteorological kiss. We need the earth and we need each other. Screw everything else.


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