
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas Fayre

Performing at the Morecambe Parish Church Christmas Festival. It was a half hour slot in which I sang all Christmas songs apart from James Taylor's Sweet Baby James and a song I wrote which has an advent theme so it still counts. I sang a song I wrote 2 days ago as well as one I wrote last year and one I wrote over 10 years ago. The audience was small but appreciative and the sound was great especially when I sang Away in a Manger to the American preferred tune. A nice intro to my Christmas.

My songs

I previously had the spoonfulofdreams domain pointing to SongRamp where many of my songs reside before repointing it here where I have a link to my Youtube account. So you can hear my songs on SongRamp and see and hear them on YouTube, here's the link to my SongRamp page. You can also find some of my songs on Spotify and iTunes. Simply search for 'The Beauty of Grace'. I really must get some more songs recorded professionally. Alas that will have to wait but maybe just till next year.

Where I Am Now

Its been a long time since I've contributed to my blog. It must be time to get back into the habit. Much has happened since I last wrote, notably the Lancaster Music Festival. Yes, I helped organise it - built and maintained the website, designed the posters, banners and brochure and put the brochure together. Then I performed over the weekend and did my bit in being part of the team. It was an amazing experience and to cap it all we won an award. I think I can pretty well hang 2013 on the Festival; it was incredibly significant and will always be a mile stone for me. Earlier this year I left the church I'd helped to lead after I could no longer reconcile myself with the direction in which it was heading. Sometimes its not a matter of staying in order to be a positive influence especially when its taking all your energy to remain sane. It almost feels like I've abandoned everything I used to believe yet I've remained true to the faith. Some of those held up as mentors ...